The Lake Wobegon effect

The Lake Wobegon effect

Experiments into human behavior use games and simplified decision situations to identify patterns of behavior that are likely to mirror real-life decision-making, or at least fictional life in Minnesota:

[M]ost drivers in repeated studies rate their skills as better than average (sometimes referred to as the “Lake Woebegone Effect,” [sic] after radio personality Garrison Keillor’s fictional hometown “where all the children are above average”).

See also:
Driving blind” concerning the topic of traffic and The Infrastructural City

This can plausibly account for much of the risky and boneheaded behavior on roadways — for instance driving while talking on a cell phone. Drivers think they can beat the odds. …. Much of drivers’ overconfidence stems from an “illusion of control” [Dan Ariely says]. “When we control something, we feel the risk is lower, even when it is not, and this is especially strong in driving.”

It seems the road is where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, but the driver may not always be right.