The genesis of browser names

The genesis of browser names

Martin Beeby on the origin of popular browser names. On my browser of choice:

While there was a codename vote early in Chrome’s development, none were finally chosen (I’d love to know what they were). Instead, it’s said by Glen Murphy that they chose Chrome because one of the design leads liked fast cars. They then ended up sticking with the codename for the final project launch because 1. they’d grown used to it, 2. they associated it with speed and, 3. because it minimised the amount of browser UI (sometimes called chrome).

And a mystery, as described by Scott Gilbertson over at Webmonkey:

[N]o one seems to know the exact origins of “Safari”, though the Beach Boys’ album seems like a reasonable guess — surfing the web, Surfin’ Safari … get it? The WebKit blog is named Surfin’ Safari, which might lend some credence to that story, but the name also nicely ties in with the notion of exploring the wild and connotes some of the same images as “explorer” and “navigator”.

No word, so to speak, on lesser-known browsers such as Konqueror, which begs the question: how does a name affect later adoption and use?